Pet Loving Families

Responsible animal lovers that see pet ownership as integral to family life.

What unites them

This audience give careful consideration to getting a cat or dog and will only do so when they feel they have the adequate time and resources in place. 

Whilst they have busy working lives, they prioritise their pets, seeing their health and welfare as important as their own and their families. They tend to have grown up in households with dog or cats and share their love for them with their close networks. 

They spend as much time as they can with their pets around their other commitments, and are prepared to invest and make reasonable changes to their lifestyles to accommodate their pets, as well as prioritising their finances to meet their basic health and welfare needs. They want to help their pets live their best lives and will engage with accessible information and services to help them do that.

Pet Loving Families

This love for their pets extends to all animals, they see animal welfare as a priority issue and will support welfare organisations in ways that suit their busy lifestyle.

To cut through and engage this audience you will need to meet them where they are. They expect to easily come across information through online searches and have become accustomed to having instant(ish) dialogue with companies and organisations online to find what they are looking for. They enjoy sharing pet stories tips and advice with their peers with social media being a key outlet for this.

Key indicators


core age range




children under 18




average household income


own house with mortgage

Mid management, working for SMEs or local government, with many home based or hybrid working. They tend to live in small towns or suburbs.

Pet information


own one or more dogs


own one or more cats


own multiple pets

Where their pet is from

Pet insurance in place

Registered with vet

Average time spent with their pet per day

Dogs: 3 hours
Cats: 1.5 hours

Pet Loving Families

Pet relinquishment likelihood

Low risk

Unlikely to relinquish their pets unless under extreme circumstances. They are most likely to turn to organisations like Woodgreen to ensure that their pets are rehomed responsibly than to attempt to rehome them privately.

Key reasons

  • Significant change in financial situation
  • A lifestyle change beyond their control e.g. change of accommodation, relationship breakdown or health issues

Pain points

This audience struggle to find trusted and comprehensive information in one place that covers what to expect from the pet ownership experience.

There is a desire to rescue but their lifestyle factors often put them out of consideration.

There is a need for expert advice that can be self served at key moments such as:

  • Dogs becoming adolescent
  • Introducing babies and small children
  • How to travel with your pet
  • Moving house

There maybe temporary pinch points in their life when they need short term support with their pets like:

  • Losing their job
  • Temporary change of housing
  • Short-term ill health

There is a plethora of services available to help them look after their pets but it’s not easy for them to know who to trust with their precious pets.

Pet Loving Families

Sources of advice and information

  • The starting point for advice around pet wellbeing or behaviour is online search
  • Experienced family members and friends – WhatsApp is a key channel for this.
  • Pet forums particularly on Facebook and Reddit to see if other people are experiencing similar issues.
  • They see pet welfare websites as reliable sources of information to sense check advice they have received.
  • They are more sceptical of advice provided by commercial organisations and value advice from entities they perceive as having their pets best interests at heart.

Health specific

  • For immediate health concerns they contact their vets promptly
  • Alongside this they will visit websites they see as authoritative on health such as PetMD

Current relationship with Woodgreen

This audience is most likely to have come across Woodgreen through searching for a rescue animal locally, social media advertising and face 2 face channels.

% of your pet rehomer applications this audience make up

% of your current supporter base this audience makes up

Pet Loving Families

Their general charitable support

This audience views animal welfare charities as a vital service because of their emotional connection to their pets.

They support charities that have a had a personal impact on them, and enjoy giving in a way that brings them some personal benefit whether that be through an experience or the feeling they are building a relationship with the charity and can see their impact.

40% have supported an animal welfare charity in some way.

Top animal charities supported: RSPCA, Dogs Trust and Guide Dogs

Key ways to reach them

  • On demand TV services
  • YouTube pet related content
  • Facebook and Reddit pet forums and group
  • Through partnerships with online pet retailers
  • Word of mouth through family, vets and trusted professionals

Active on

  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Content they resonate with

  • Community building pieces or forums.
  • Tailored and specific advice or support.
  • Content regarding life stages and moments.
  • Emotional storytelling and experience sharing.
  • Emergency appeals and regular giving campaigns.

Formats they’d like to see content in

  • Youtube – Shorts, landscape, community.
  • Facebook – Carousels, multi-image, Static imagery, video polls.

Charitable activities to promote to this audience

  • One off gifts and emergency appeals
  • Regular donations to people in this group that have rescued from Woodgreen
  • Value exchange products
  • Challenge events
  • Advocacy
  • Fundraising through Facebook
  • Crowdfunding campaigns
  • Sponsorship products

Pen portraits

Meet Angela

31 year old, dog owner

Download Angela's portrait

Meet Paul

38 year old, dog seeker

Download Paul's portrait

Meet Clare

45 year old, cat owner

Download Clare's portrait

Key ways to engage them with Woodgreen

Keep it short sharp and visual

Use infographics, videos and short updates via social media and email to showcase the work you are doing and share pet related tips and advice.

Ask for input

Whilst they are time poor they are keen to help pets have better lives and are proud to support animal welfare as a cause. They will follow you on social media, share messaging, take part in polls, sign petitions, complete surveys and take part in research.

Provide Forums to receive and share advice

This audience enjoy sharing advice with other pet owners but would appreciate a trusted organisation moderating this.

Family friendly challenge / social activities

They are attracted to activities / events that represent a challenge or are unusual.

Encourage fundraising through social media

This audience spend significant time on Social media and will use the tools available to raise money for causes they care about.

Tone of voice

  • Compassionate

  • Professional

  • Down to earth

Audience interviews

Proactive care through vet
Grew up with dogs
Responsible purchasing
Considered pet purchasing
Pets as a member of the family

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